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Rev. Maurice Abasilim
Deacon Leon Abbott Jr.
Rev. Britto Adaikalam H.G.N.
Gate of Heaven Parish
Rev. Joachim Adione
Rev. Ryan Amazeen
St. Rose of Lima Parish
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Deacon Ramon Andrade
St. Anne-St. Augustin Parish
Very Rev. Arockia Antony H.G.N.
Divine Mercy Parish
Rev. Antony Raja Antonymuthu H.G.N.
St. Gabriel Parish
Rev. Charles Aruldurai H.G.N.
St. Joseph Parish
St. Anthony Parish
Deacon Geoffrey Ashman
St. Lawrence Parish
Rev. Dennis Audet
St. Patrick Parish
Rev. Edmund Babicz
Rev. W. Pierre Baker
Rev. Raymond Ball
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Rev. Hugues Beaugrand I.B.P.
St. Stanislaus Parish
Rev. Msgr. Gerald Belanger
Rev. Gary Belliveau
Corpus Christi Parish
Rev. Gerard Bertin
Rev. Robert Biron
Rev. Robert Boisvert
Deacon Wayne Bolduc
St. Theresa Parish
St. Mary Parish
Rev. Msgr. Paul Bouchard
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Rev. John Brancich F.S.S.P.
St. Stanislaus Parish
Deacon Michael Brunette
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Rev. John Bucchino O.F.M.
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Mr. Casey Burgess
Rev. Leandro Cardoso
St. Anne-St. Augustin Parish
Deacon John Carey
Our Lady of the Mountains Parish
Deacon John Castelot
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Rev. Craig Cheney
Rev. Dixon Choolakkal Rajan C.R.S.
Parish of the Resurrection
Most Rev. Francis Christian D.D., Ph.D.
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Rev. Donald Clinton
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
LTC Kevin Cody CH
Deacon Kevin Cody
Ste. Marie Parish
Very Rev. Robert Cole
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Rev. Bruce Collard
Mr. Christian Collopy
Mr. Jacob Condi
Deacon Christopher Conley
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Deacon Karl Cooper
St. Joseph Cathedral Parish
Deacon Jay Cormier D. Min.
St. Jude Parish
Deacon David Costello
Rev. Roland Cote
Deacon Michael Couture
Good Shepherd Parish
Holy Family Parish
Rev. Emmett Coyne
Rev. Roger Croteau
Rev. Edmund Crowley
St. Patrick Parish
Rev. Andrew Cryans
St. Thomas More Parish
Rev. Joseph Cuchet I.B.P.
St. Stanislaus Parish
Rev. Michael James Cuddy O.P.
St. Denis Parish
Deacon Kenneth Czechowicz
Deacon Eric Dadey
St. Joseph Parish
Deacon James Daly
St. Christopher Parish
Rev. Timothy Danaher O.P.
Very Rev. Georges de Laire J.C.L.
St. Pius X Parish
Deacon Mark De Rosch
Rev. Eric Delisle
St. Hedwig Parish
Rev. Volney DeRosia
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Deacon Winton DeRosia
Christ the King Parish
Rev. Wilfred Deschamps
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
St. Patrick Parish
Deacon Richard Desmarais
St. Aloysius of Gonzaga Parish
Rev. Msgr. Charles DesRuisseaux
Deacon David Deutsch
Parish of the Assumption
Rev. Daniel Deveau
St. Marguerite d'Youville Parish
Rev. Anthony Di Russo
Rev. Gerard Dion
Deacon Joseph Dion
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Rev. Richard Dion
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Deacon David Divins
St. Mary Parish
St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish
Rev. Mark Dollard
Holy Trinity Parish
Rev. Marc Drouin
St. Joseph Parish
St. André Bessette Parish
Rev. Msgr. C. Peter Dumont
Rev. Thomas Duston
St. Mary Parish
St. Peter Parish
Deacon Christopher Everhart
St. Pius X Parish
Deacon Richard Falardeau
St. Mary Parish
St. Peter Parish
Deacon Leland Fastnacht
St. Matthew Parish
Deacon Charles Ferraro
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Rev. John Fleming
Rev. Msgr. Anthony Frontiero S.T.D.
Very Rev. Marc Gagne
Holy Cross Parish
St. Anne Parish
Rev. David Gagnon
St. Joseph Parish
Rev. Raymond Gagnon
Deacon Robert Gagnon
Deacon Frank Gallinaro
Rev. Michael Gendron
St. Peter Parish
Holy Rosary Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Rev. Msgr. Donald Gilbert J.C.L.
Very Rev. Patrick Gilbert
St. Leo Parish
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish
Very Rev. Robert Glasgow
St. John Neumann Parish
Saint John XXIII Parish
Mr. Caleb Goff
Rev. Marcos Gonzalez-Torres
St. Aloysius of Gonzaga Parish
Rev. Robert Gorski
St. Jude Parish
Rev. Paul Gousse
Ste. Marie Parish
Rev. John Grace
St. Patrick Parish
Deacon Arnold Gustafson
Parish of the Assumption
Rev. David Harris
St. Christopher Parish
Rev. John Healey
St. Patrick Parish
Deacon David Hemeon III
St. Gabriel Parish
Deacon Edmund Hilston
Saint John XXIII Parish
Deacon Richard Hilton
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Deacon Mark Hobson Ph.D.
Deacon Douglas Hoffer
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Rev. Rakang Isaac Honsan
Good Shepherd Parish
Holy Family Parish
Mr. Christian Hurlburt
Rev. Diery Irafasha
St. Michael Parish
St. Mary Parish
Very Rev. Jason Jalbert
St. Patrick Chapel
St. Joseph Cathedral Parish
Rev. Agapit Jean Jr.
Parish of the Assumption
Deacon Michael Johnson
St. Marguerite d'Youville Parish
Deacon Stephen Kaneb
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish
Rev. Msgr. Edward Kelley
Rev. Msgr. Richard Kelley
Rev. Francis Kelso
Rev. Michael Kerper
St. Patrick Parish
Rev. David Kneeland
St. Lawrence Parish
Rev. Gary Kosmowski
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish
St. Theresa Parish
Deacon Harry Kram
Rev. Steven Kucharski
Rev. Ray Labrie
Immaculate Conception Parish
Deacon Stephen Labrie
Deacon Eric Lambert
St. Michael Parish
St. Mary Parish
Rev. Maurice Lampron
Rev. Maurice Larochelle
Ste. Marie Parish
Deacon Thomas Lavallee
St. Mark the Evangelist Parish
Deacon William Lavallee
Holy Rosary Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Mr. Peter Phong Quang Lê
Rev. Leo LeBlanc
Deacon Roland Leduc
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Rev. Jean Lemay
Rev. Steven Lepine
Holy Rosary Parish
Deacon Brian Lester
St. John Neumann Parish
Most Rev. Peter Libasci
Rev. Joshua Livingston
Our Lady of the Mountains Parish
Rev. Romualdo Lopez Delgado C.R.S.
Parish of the Resurrection
Very Rev. John Loughnane
All Saints Parish
Very Rev. John MacKenzie
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Deacon Sean Magee Sr.
St. Peter Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Rev. John Mahoney Jr.
St. Joseph Parish
Deacon Raymond Marcotte
St. Kathryn Parish
Rev. A. Stephen Marcoux III
Sacred Heart Parish
Deacon Dennis Marquis
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
St. Patrick Parish
Very Rev. Christopher Martel
Parish of the Transfiguration
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Rev. Marcel Martel
St. Theresa Parish
St. Mary Parish
Deacon John Martin
Rev. Matthew Mason
St. Michael Parish
St. Mary Parish
Rev. George Mattathilani
Parish of the Assumption
Deacon Thomas Matzke
Rev. Theodore Mbaegbu
Deacon William McDermott
Immaculate Conception Parish
Deacon Gregory McGinn
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Rev. Daniel Mikolajewski
Rev. Michael Monette
St. Kathryn Parish
Rev. Msgr. Marc Montminy
Saints Mary and Joseph Parish
Rev. Paul Montminy
Deacon Fintan Moore
Parish of the Holy Spirit
Deacon John Morrow
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Rev. Jebrael Moussallem
St. George (Maronite Eastern Church) Parish
Rev. Joseph Moynahan
Deacon William Mullen
St. Anne Parish
Deacon Edward Munz D.Min.
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Mr. Andre Nadeau
Rev. Andrew Nelson
St. Mary Parish
St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish
Rev. Cuong Nguyen
Parish of the Holy Spirit
Rev. Thien Nguyen
St. Christopher Parish
Deacon Stephen Noyes
St. Rose of Lima Parish
Rev. Bartholomew Ogumelu
Ste. Marie Parish
Rev. Bartholomew Okonkwo
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish
St. Theresa Parish
Rev. Humbert Oliveira
Rev. Ethelbert Orabuche
Saint John XXIII Parish
Deacon Frank Ottaviano
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Rev. Eric Ouellette
Parish of the Transfiguration
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Rev. Ihor Papka
Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (Eastern Catholic Ukrainian Church)
Deacon James Patterson
St. Pius X Parish
Deacon Christopher Paul
Rev. Jeffrey Paveglio
Rev. Charles Pawlowski KHS
St. Helena Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Deacon Marc Payeur
Rev. Frederick Pennett Jr.
Rev. Raymond Potvin
Deacon Robert Potvin
Rev. Joseph Powell O.F.M.
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Rev. Msgr. John Quinn
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish
Mr. Horngam "Patrick" Razhamah
Rev. Jorge Reyes O.S.A.
Saints Mary and Joseph Parish
Rev. Anthony Rice S.J.C.
St. Stanislaus Parish
Rev. Richard Roberge
Christ the King Parish
Rev. William Rock F.S.S.P.
St. Stanislaus Parish
Deacon David Romano
Deacon John Ross
Rev. Michael Sartori
St. Patrick Parish
Rev. Stephen Savarimuthu H.G.N.
Good Shepherd Parish
Holy Family Parish
North American Martyrs Parish
Rev. Samuel Seyd
Deacon Richard Shannon
Parish of the Transfiguration
Rev. Eusebio Silva
Rev. Norman Simoneau
Rev. Anselm Smedile OSB
St. Raphael Parish
Rev. Daniel St. Laurent
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Rev. Richard St. Louis Jr.
Ste. Marie Parish
Very Rev. Kyle Stanton
Good Shepherd Parish
Holy Family Parish
North American Martyrs Parish
Rev. Jeffrey Statz
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Very Rev. Thomas Steinmetz
Our Lady of the Cedars (Melkite-Eastern Catholic) Parish
Deacon Terry Sullivan
St. Anne Parish
Rev. Sebastian Susairaj H.G.N.
St. Mary Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Rev. Michael Taylor
St. Matthew Parish
Mr. Guillaume Temkkit
Deacon Paul Testa
Very Rev. Shawn Therrien
St. Anne-St. Augustin Parish
Rev. Msgr. Richard Thompson
Deacon Lam Tran
St. Anne-St. Augustin Parish
Rev. Roarke (Rory) Traynor
St. Peter Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Rev. Alan Tremblay
Parish of the Holy Spirit
Rev. Albert Tremblay obl SB
St. Luke the Evangelist Parish
Rev. Victor Treminio OFM
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Deacon Steven Veneman
Parish of the Resurrection
Deacon Raymond Wheeler
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Deacon James Wilton
Parish of the Assumption
Rev. David Wong
Immaculate Conception Parish
Rev. Michael Zgonc
St. Mark the Evangelist Parish